Monday, August 15, 2011

{the farm}

A couple of weekends ago, we went to visit my uncle, aunt and cousins on their farm in Dalton - just outside of PMB.  They have the loveliest home - a place we went to visit a lot as kids.

here are some snaps from their beautiful farm house.  My aunt really has done a sterling job making the house and garden beautiful.  It's a gorgeous 100-year old farm house, so you can see why I fell in love with the house we just recently bought!

One of the out houses

The Animal farm and veggie patch that my uncle and aunt have set up for my little cousins

The playground my uncle built for them

The orange orchard

More rooms - to fit all the cousins and family that come to visit (to say we have a big family would be a tragic understatement..)

Garden statues

The view of the farm

A shed

The entrance to the farm

The tennis court: My grandpa LOVED tennis, and as a result all of us love the sport too.  We often have family tennis tournaments with tea and cake under the large tree.

The bench where my grandpa's ashes are

He died 2 years before I was born so I never got to meet him - but he was a great man.  This was the farm he owned and eventually handed over to my uncle.

It's one of my favourite places in the world - so many fond memories playing with my cousins, driving the 4 wheeler through the sugar cane, playing by the dam, picking oranges off the trees and watching movies under quilts and duvets at night.



  1. What a breathtaking farm - absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Brilliant farm with so much character and love there. I adore the wrap-around veranda.
