This is the latest song from Coldplay - off their new album Mylo Xyloto (whaaaaat). They played this at their concert in Joburg a couple of weeks ago and the hairs stood up on my arm. It is, quite simply, one of their best songs ever (apologies if you're not a Coldplay fan, but even this song might change your mind on that). They wore these elephant outfits on stage and filmed the crowd going crazy, which is the footage that you see at the end of this video - SO COOL!
The shot half of this video in the Karoo while they were here - a little taste of SA in a very awesome music video.
I always liked "Yellow" and "Fix You", and I thought Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends was a cool album. But this concert. When I heard how amazing it was, I just felt my heart breaking: I should've gone! And this song is just too amazing for words. Seriously. I really hope I get to see them live one day!