Monday, August 29, 2011


Happy Monday!

Thanks again to everyone who came out to our Tea Party on Saturday (despite the grey clouds and gloomy skies) - we had a fab time!

As you might know, we got our little English Bulldog puppy Clementine yesterday, and we were all loved up at home getting to know each other.  As a result, I havent uploaded any product today, but will get to it tonight!

(Anyone whose every had a puppy or looked after one will understand - while they're very cute and sweet, they LOVE being cuddled and playing all night and needs loads of attention, so they're a lot of hard work!  She's staying with Granny and Grandpa this week while we're at work, so we have a little more time on our hands to get stuff done.

She left this morning with Bevan on his way to work, so I miss her already!  



  1. where did you get her? She is beautiful! We have been looking for a bulldog :)
