Thursday, January 20, 2011

{birthday celebrations}

The Orchard Cafe is a stunning venue...

We met lots of new people

We jumped on the trampoline

We played on the tractor

We then sat down to eat (aaaand then my battery died.)

Jasper wowed us with her spectacular voice & song-writing skills

And then I found my wedding venue...(Can you imagine this place done up with paper lanterns, fairy-lights, and loooong tables full of food, candles and flowers?

We went to a friend's birthday on Saturday night up in Salt Rock - the venue was Orchard Cafe.  WHAT A STUNNING PLACE! Never been there in my life, but instantly fell in love with it.  It is a little compound with it's very own orchard (go figure), a veggie patch, a little open-air chapel, a massive open-air function area, beautiful kitchen and restaurant, as well as little houses selling crafters' goodies. 

As you can see, we had some fun!  Definitely planning on having my wedding here!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, that place looks amazing! Must check it out some time. And I love your bunny pic - clever girl!
